
Best personality you’ll ever see

by Lindsay barton
(Roanoke, Va)

Zeus with our 4yo

Zeus with our 4yo

Zeus is our 2 year old sweet and the most loving cat you’ll ever meet! He is the love of our life. I did not know what I was missing not ever owning a Maine coon. But I did know once I did research that the breed is what I wanted and boy am I glad we for him. He loves to fetch his toys, chases our smaller boys, loves on them like no other. He is the best!!!

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Jul 13, 2024
Zeus NEW
by: Lindsay barton

He has been the best addition to our family, we really want another! We are in love

Sep 02, 2023

by: Tammy

Thanks for sharing!! It is awesome to hear from you. Sounds like he might already know how to play tag. If not, I think he will be easy to teach. Keep those updates coming. He is gorgeous!

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