
Birthdays - Momma Rhapsody 7yrs & Odyn 6 months

by Bill & Ashley
(Newport, Tn)

Momma Rhapsody

Momma Rhapsody

11/20/22 Rhapsody turned 7 yrs old, she loves to walk around the house with a toy in her mouth meowing! She tolerates her son Odyn! AT time's we believe she wonders why he is still around!

Odyn celebrates his 6 months on the same day, he continues to grow and has been doing everything but walking on the ceiling. He comes to you when he calls his name and will let you pet him on his own terms.

We were blessed when we picked out Odyn and then doubly blessed when we were able to bring his momma home also!

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Dec 20, 2022
Odin and Rhapsody
by: Tammy

Bill and Ashley,
Thanks for sharing them both with us. Rhapsody was always a real lover. She used to bring my straw from my cup to her kittens to play with her kittens. She was always finding a toy somewhere. Looks like Odin is about to catch her in size. Gorgeous too!
Keep those pictures coming.

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