
Daegan 5/5/19

by Laura
(Maryville, Tennessee )

Daegan watching a squirrel in the tree in the front yard.

Daegan watching a squirrel in the tree in the front yard.

Daegan is the sweetest, most affectionate boy. He’s talkative, inquisitive. He’s friendly with all our cats. Daegan is a black smoke. He’s just now fixing to be 8 months old and weighs 10.5 lbs. Daegan’s parents are Blazin Crush and Midnight Mystery. He’s everything I wanted in a Maine Coon cat.

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Oct 05, 2020

Oh my gosh we got his brother! His name is Darrow, when they were 8 weeks old we went to pick one out and actually almost got your cat! We wound up with Daegans brother, he is also very talkative and has such a great personality. It is so crazy to see him grown up.

Feb 29, 2020
so cute!
by: Anonymous

he's so handsome!! our maine coons sire was Mussorgsky!! he is 7 months old.

Feb 21, 2020

by: Tammy

You are everything he wanted in a parent! Love the submission! Keep those pics coming.

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